Through our Facebook group, Harris County Animal Shelter Pets in Need, we profile 300-400 individual shelter animals every month – or more than 75 animals per week – of the 2,000 that arrive each month into the Harris County Animal Shelter.
With the cooperation of HCAS, our team members make several weekly visits to the shelter. Through photos and video, we document as many animals as possible, filming kennel by kennel to capture images of the most recent arrivals.
From young to old and healthy to ill, we film without bias to give all animals in need the best chance of rescue and aid. When we know an animal may be euthanized the next day, we call special attention to the animal’s urgent status.
Our work requires ongoing fundraising, as each day brings new animals to the shelter. Through PayPal and the Facebook donation tool, we collect funds from donors for individual animals and transfer them directly to area rescue groups after they take action.